Gilbert Achkar
University of Paris
"Italy's wealthiest man"
"In Italy now"
((a car leaves quikly/fast))
"lost elections recently"
"Romano Prodi" napysano na screen
"he is the guy who writes the checks"
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pokazuiut' pomaliovanu orangevu revoliutsiiu.
Amy: work on Kaganovich, food woman, women, "tomates" "cars filled with tomates" came to see my apartment / verify ADDRESS about a month ago.
"has no secret prisons"
Ksenia: odna divchynka pomerla u veresni, studentka na moiemu ekon.fakul'teti
"put an article online" about my radio - show a woman similar to Sarah Philips. Sarah Philips is similar to my image of Ms. Gerhadr Glomm
"Liberated latin america from spanish imperialism"
Free speach TV
"Hugo Chavez Fiaz" , singer, Venezuella, /Russell Pfohl
Streets of Karakes
"attempted/ ... supported by Bush administration........and failed"
dvoie ditei zalyshyla. nikomu
bat'ko pomer kil'ka rokiv ranishe, vypyty liubyv
maty-odynochka; zgvaltovana z pershoiu dytynoiu
ia ne mozhu dumaty pro iiii swmert'.zabahato. ia staiu paranoiidal'na ta depresnuta.
Ia ne maiu syly/resursiv zapytaty iak i pro detali.
ia lyshe nedavno vpershe skazala komus' z druziv.
i znovu ne dumaiu.
des' iz rik tomu.
"voice of reson"
"monkey dolls"
"something unforgatabe was about to take place"
"this was the big issue"
Ksenia: Gerhard Glomm
"those divisions could tear the country appart"
Ksenia: family
ad "waste management"
ad "educational programs for our children" "think green
Ksenia: Prof. Michael Kaganovich
ad "the country's imagination was captured"
ad "NASA"
ad. german, portugese, chinese
we are in seventeen countries now
Ksniea: Dove iikhnii buziness, z dvokh dzherel shchonaimenshe
"forteen dollars"
Lybia/Olivia Mah
Channel H history, ikonka zliva znyzu;
za info zaplacheno dlia mene
1:16 am now
"Christian value will make America a more" democratic
"Brian began compaining agaist" evolution
""those people who were controlling"
"went as a mad dog"
"ever sisnce
1858, "origin of species"
"printing after printing after printing"
pokazuiut' cherep
pokazuiut' ruky
"Darvin's entire theory of evolution"
H channel
televizor, Ksenia ta Kostyk
"called Brian a manipulator"
Ksenia: Prof. Erasmus ____, Indiana University Bllomington
"surviving the fittest" "they were the fittest"
Ksenia: tobto ty ne zasluhovuiesh
"humans decending from monkeys" "mice, ...and ...and ...and"
You can't make a monkey out of wheel/ me"
"freedom summer"
Ksenia: hra/muchennia na relihiia versus evoliutsiia/biolohiia
H channel
"the waste we generate"
ad. "miles ahead of Cadillac"
((mashyna ne iide))
ad. ""the new NTNT. your world . delivered"
ad. "blank" "priceless"
Ksenia: "Information Commons", vlasnist' Prof. Michael Kaganovich, z dvokh dzherel; Bloomington
"Darel was not interested"
Ksenia: spivak takyi zhalislyvyi ie, Darrell
((mashyna poiikhala))
Liudy dyvliat’ia v ochi I vidkryvaiut’ rota iak pry o******* s****
Naivazhche bulo o*** s** znushchav sviashchennyk
„believed great forces were against him and he had to be tough”
“arguing Darel was an expert on the Bible”
“the heat and the court room became untolarable”
Ksenia: Palatsy rodyny Lazar Kaganovich u 17ty kraiinakh zaraz
ad: "to power the entire community"
"we would"
H chanel
"do i have enough to live independently"
"Talk to Tucker" business, rodyna Lazar Kaganovich
((a car leaves))
religious debate
Ksenia: Rebecca abo Rebec
just as easy for me
Ksenia : Gerhard glomm
"dangers of evolution"
"Clarence Darel"
Ksenia: cholovik
2348 years DC
"peole in the art, animals in the art, and the fish"
"my beliefe in the Bible"
pokazuie do shyii koly hovoryt' pro relihiiu
Jennifer Michail ....
Ksenia: Lisa
"Santa Clo [klo] doesn't exist"
"jury" "guilty"
Ksenia: o Hospody
"one hundred dollars"
"Lincoln signature" event
"sheby are among the most dependable revolution
"see your centeral Indiana Shebby dealer today"
"John planned to study geology and Brian .."
"then he went/take home" "and his wife waited him for dinner"
"they have a murder to their cause"
"missed Darel and hit Brian"
"1955 play in Carol Kubin"
Ksenia: Carol Beckwith and __-Fisher
Ksenia: u mene lezhyt' dovidnyk na 1946 plius storinok
Fisher 02/03
1-800-766-7000 Tel
1-800-926-1166 Fax
Fisher Scientific
Business Chris Cunningham, Wylie Hall/ ___ Fisher z knyhy "American Ceremonies"' odna liudyna
iiii/ioho business z Russell/ Carol Beckwith
"start a fight by saying somthing about somebody's mother"
hra na kontroversy
mene po "do i have enough money to live independently" tezh pratsiuvaly.
napriamok roboty- vklynytysia mizh cholovikom ta zhinkoiu/druzhynoiu, vyklykaty khocha b chastkovo brydotnu/ ne perenoshu/ mene vid tebe ryhaie/ ty mene vykorystovuiesh
to ne vse. ia spaty hkochu. u mene skoro examen/ Piatnytsia.
Alex T
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